We believe will change the world
the pictures are for illustration only
Our product
SmartBubble is a novel gel capsules integrated into your favorite drink or food that fills the entire digestive system, resulting in reduced appetite and hunger. SmartBubble contains FDA-approved ingredients that can be consumed daily and for long periods of time.
SmartBubble gel capsules have many benefits beyond reducing appetite:
IP protected.
Ingredients are Super Food
zero calories
Improves glucose absorption in the colon
Low production cost
Safe to consume on a daily basis
No flavor, can be integrated in your favorite food or beverage
Robust product - Long shelf life
Low production cost with High margins.

We are a group of scientists together with Prof. Subchi Abu Abied, one of the leading, most experienced bariatric surgeons in Israel, developed a revolutionary product containing gel capsules that fill the digestive system, resulting in reduced appetite and hunger. Our product contains natural ingredients, FDA-approved that can be consumed daily and for long periods. IP protected.